My readings say a mortgage broker woman is paying women and kids to lie with stolen paypal of mine hackers she pays robbed money to who send it to her email and she’s depositing more stolen money in ATMs for 50 liars to get to lie at The Thousand Oaks mall with her liar fraud fake stories in folders and does this paying of robbed money all over in many towns everyday for years and she’s lying to the AA Visions Meeting on Moorpark Road by the Thousand Oaks shipping mall today my readings says and says she’s going to wear the size 10 shoes she took that are sent for Nancy Gail Fox to do Prophet speaking in and she might get blue contacts to cover up her green eyes and is wearing high platforms and longer pants so no one knows she’s around 5 feet tall and is wearing a bustier bra with pads to cover up she’s a 32 A bra size and even hyphenated her last name with Fox and does I D theft and readings say in 05 to early 06 she saw in her Private Mortgage Broker office a brinks truck list that said for Nancy Fox checking deposit ONLY with a note that said you need your owned money because you are being sent many psychic crime tip jobs so she stole the crime tip jobs and instructions that said for Nancy Gail Fox you should buy many mansions and have people fed ex your angel board psychic crime tip answers for you in properties you should buy with your money and your real estate know how and we suggest you delegate to realtors to do the escrows on the homes you choose to buy as you will be too busy doing your angel board work and she stole it from a UPS Store and still does steal this mail everyday for years and from in front of a building by security camera lurking in those years and lied to banks brinks truck money sent was for a big job she got to do packages files fed exing and to over see money sent for The Son of God family and lied it was 80 persons who were suggested to be hired in mail she stole and had the money put in the wrong account and lied it was a Family Trust Fund account she was runnin and sat in her car in the bank parking lot and transfered it out on her cell and went on a diet in spring 06 lost about 45 pounders straightened her long dark curly hair cut and highlighted it to do I D theft and has not stopped stealing and lying says God and Jesus who say she was caught by a real sting operation in 07 08 09 and ordered to many prisons

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