Child Molesters Are 5 and 9

The CPS Secret Court case workers texts children on their cell phones and tells them to do round n round clito on each other from 7 pm to 9 pm under the covers and to pretend to do ho.mework amd to go up and down back n forth round n round and to video it on their cell when the cum and to send it to her and texts them yippee hooray kids, you are preparing to do that to babies we take from Moms we see cum laying on their backs in soy cams placed on ceilings and say they are bad for Cumming  on their back in the day. You will be sent free clothes sent right to your door for the video and meet us after the last class bell rings at the picnic table by the School playground at 4? Or 5? Pm for a goody treat bag for being such good kids as you are practicing and preparing to do round n round clito to babys we take by setting up their Mom’s we see cum in spy cams.

Go around with the folders you great girls good kids and show everyone the spy cam shots of the Mom’s and say  We are here to bring you the news to dam day hey hey we want to get custody taken away from Moms we got photos of in our folders we name bad for doing it in the sunlight of God on their back laying flat or standing in a shower with the dad and we say that’s very bad to do that and to cum in hear means they got lustful bad air inside and should not be a mom because of the way they pant scream and we are told it’s prime and proper to do it silent. Pass it on to everyone to get custody taken away of the Mom’s named shown in folders named very bad persons

Their told they get goody treat bags at Noon at the park benches where they are told their such good girls for showing everyone the bad Mom’s photos from spy cams on them doing it, and to take 100 from the ATM macine for taking the folders around and to spend 10 dollars on am energy snack and to pocket it kiss their text and told they will get free new clothes fed exes to their door for taking folders around and for lining up and readings the lines in recipe cards to people the girls start in at 5 years old. 9 years old, 11, 13,14,15,16 etc

They are told take the freakwat bus at 5 am or street beses and do round n round clito on the bus to not wear underpants, and they are given peppermint schnapps alcohol in a Dxie cup on the bus and video themselves having sex together and are told they will get a tiny shit when they get off the bus and are shot up with meth heroin in-between cars in bus deport parking lots tjen they sit naked in a ring on floors cross legged and are told look at each other’s clitos and vaginas to get excited and to look at the films over head. Of Mom’s having intercourse from spy cams placed over beds on ceilings. Their told go take off the babies soft diapers pull the soft tape off and touch their soft silky bottom and clito and do round n round clito like they were taught and to suck on the babies private areas til their cum and do this in front of the baby’s Mom’s in gyno chairs who private area they sex torture at the same time and they say that’s too secret sex therapy and then they are told kick the babies in the head eat their soft vaginas and clitos til they bleed in their mouth so the bad persons blood passes though their Saintly selves cause your the good kids getting all d of bad persons



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