They say they planned it out when they saw big jobs and money sent and said they’d steal the jobs sent to Nancy Fox to do spirit board channeled crime tips and stole earned jobs I geerated by my spirit board channeling I did every night by my spiritual life I lead for my psychic ability and by my post i write online and stole many uos fed exes mail out of the mail box earned psychic spiritual jobs and say they all planned it to take money sent and say they did it in purpose and stalked and wrore framing notes to set Nancy Fox and say to do ID theft YES in caps and say it was 20 realtors from 5 offices who did this who did not know Nancy Fox is sober in AA since 1985 and an over nice patent and they lied in logs when they stalked that they call being on Patrol and lied she’s out partying when i do not party since early Feb 1985 and lied she’s out carousing having a hot time when I was not with a man for over 8 years in 05 and dont have hot times and they lied in logs when I was. Invited places by buyers and sellers when I was a realtor and lied that’s bad when my kids were at their dad’s when I went out to dinner to an AA,meeting in Malibu to a show a real estate customer invited me too stone cold sober out socializing.  They lied about everything to frame me and 50 called and set me up the readings say and they say today they did it on purpose and lied my live out boyfriend I was with from end of 05 to end of 07 who was a man of the past from 1988 they lied I just met him and lied about my love life and made fake notes and framed me a year and a half after we broke up.  In spring 09 they lied the mom was out carousing when I went to an AA meeting fri sat night and they lied she’s all done up with har make up clothes when I did my nake up got dressed in 35 minutes and they lied she looks too done up to be a nice mom and in 2005 said they wanted to wreck my looks they hate single Mom’s who look good to be in love and say they don’t like Mom’s who look good in clothes in stylish outfits and plotted it then to wreck everything I did when I did a make over in myself and went on a diet in 04 got back to my regular size ,,2 or 4 women’s and let my bangs grow out same hair cut and weave I did every four months for many years and I had my teeth capped whitened did my skin at the dermatologist bought clothes and put outfits together all a planned out make over and they plotted to ruin everything I did with time money energy and say they hate Mom’s who spend alot of time getting ready and I took 35 minutes and hypocrites who take hours getting ready said this and they say their married that’s different they think single Mom’s should spend every second working mopping scrubbing baking calling out and if they look good they think they took a long time getting ready when they didn’t and they say they did to take money from banks is really why and say it was 89 realtors 45 mortgage brokers now it’s 9 realtors calling and lying and 49 are in it for 19 years and 10 mortgage brokers are still doing it and they planned to set Nancy Fox up they say in 05 to rob money steal the earned jobs sent for her psychic gift and lie it’s not framing and stalking bank robbery they are going to still lie my 19 years of money they stole frim banks mail iups fed ex. And 15 years of Medium For God money 15 years of Fox-Taylor Victims money Prophet rent money since 2012 Sept is theirs because they drive all over The San Fernando Valley and rob the Prophet rent money for 12 and 1/2 years packs of women in real estate clothes with suburb Mom’s steal it all and realtors and Mom’s and daughters from the suburbs hack and rob PayPal for over 11 years and loot ups fed ex trucks by security cameras stealing fraud I D theft papers and rob money from bank parking lots these way 89 kids who got in the robbery game who are young women now who hack on iPads in cars and lie that pay is for us men and say they put it in a family trust fund account when it’s supposed to automatically be in my PayPal account every time it’s sent

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