They put microwave energy pellets in Civillians for over 50 years my Prophetc medium channeling readings have said, the same as they used in Wars that harmed Soldiers that Veterans have suffered from. The Chemical exposures that have been suspected to harm Gulf War Veterans may be similar to micochips they get in Civillians who are called Targeted Individuals, and many say they cause ” Havana Syndrome” another word description for Chemical Warfare, and they are using what someone invented to harm soldiers in a War on babys, they put them in baby food, baby juice, health food store food etc to get babys for baby kiddy porn movies, and do this targeting chemical warfare to every age person to get them as the cast for their baby kiddy porn and snuff films,and lie they take people to help them out, when getting the gang stalkers away is the help they all need as they are the ones harming many Civillians of all ages all over the Country by microwave energy pellets they put in everything every age person consumes and they sit parked doing electronic harrasment by a microwave energy internet program they download by a link possibly amd they call them microwave energy pellets in my Prophetic readings and lie they press keys parked to relax people to take them for help, when really they are microchip computer type chips they put in everything a person they target eat and drink, and the keys they press torture the Civillian Targeted Individuals of every age invisibly as shown on this chart as its the devils game.

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Electronic Harrasment Weapon Effects 1974

Child Protective Services was also started in 1974 I have read. A Coincidence? I think not, as they take people through the force of CPS and DCFS, through the Courts, and by forcing medical attention, they frame people to be not needed CPS DCFS case files, then rob their money from mail, ups, fed ex, paypal, cash app, venmo, Western Union, Go Fund Me, from P O Boxes, from everywhere a targeted individual is sent money, and deposit it in secret accounts, and lie they are covering money of case file familys to help out, the same way they lie they sit parked pressing keys on ipads, lap tops, cell phones to help out, when its to get babys and kids for Baby Kiddy Porn movies, and to do sex torturing snuff movies, and some are human sex trafficked first, and some they keep 10 years for trafficking, others they keep in dog kennels underground their houses, apartmen buildings, and Dog Parks, my readings say someone has rescued boys under Dog Parks by Stop Signs under grass, and my readings say they are crackin down on hand cuffing people without reading them their rights by my Prophet work explaining how they get people by trickery, and by Laws I have explained that may be broken, as my readings say they make up many fraud charges to get them for sex slavery, and their whole satan crew of gang stalkers sit around doing fraud framing papers all day on innocent honest law abiding citizens they are targeting, then they messenger all night and day by the same pedo gang stalker molester girls and womrn who slander them, and they lie ” they are covering a very bad person whos on a secret watch list”, and they lie they did things wrong they never did and brain wash on the internet and in person in neighborhoods by fraud and framing papers, and readings have said for years a In Home Investigator Secret Service 6 ft 8 in man serves secret framing fraud papers on Moms they are targeting, and hand cuffs them and takes them away to sex slavery without reading them their rights to have an Attorney, and my readings say this may have stopped, that they may have told him you are not allowed to hand cuff and serve anyone ever again, without reading them their rights,and they may be saying if anyone gets medical attention, everyone must make sure they return home safely, and people cannot disappear. My Prophetic readings say my Prophet work I have written for 15 years and reported may have made an impact on some who are not risking lives. I Pray it is so as I have worked hard to report this devil system to get the points across by my medium channeled tips and explain many laws are being broken that are in place to protect the citizens of the United States of America, and if laws are enforced and followed many lives could be saved by God and Jesus Christs I have channeled for 19 years, and reported as said for 15 years so the crimes could be proven, and much could be seen as logic also, as how would traffickers get people for human sex trafficking? they would frame a nice parent to CPS DCFS etc. to get their kids taken away, and then adopt them, or pretend they took them to a foster care, that is an obvious way they could get people, they could lie they need medical attention and pretend they are helping and do medical kidnaps to take them helplessly away for human sex trafficking, they could frame a mother dad teen etc with fraud charges secretly hand cuff them and take them away to human sex trafficking, and lie they took them to a boot camp for community service etc. so if no one is made helpless it could help stop human traffick, and if no one has medical attention forced on them it could help stop human traffick. For example if a parent got a drunk driving charge the mom would get a lawyer, go to Court, go to Jail, be sent to a rehab to get sober, a half way house etc. and get an AA Court Meeting Signature Card, and the Parent would say ” I give custody of my children to this person” the parent is to decide just like parents have in a will, and after the parent is sober 1 year or so the Court would normally say your children may return to your care, and the parent would get a breathalizer etc. continue in AA etc. and that would be normal so the children would be safe and not wisked away by a CPS DCFS case worker to disappear with them saying they are being adopted out or that their taken to foster care etc. as my Prophetic readings say many child molester pedo serial killer sex torture addicts are CPS DCFS case workers, and they got those jobs to get babies, toddlers, children, teens taken from Moms, often its a divorced single mom, and often its an unwed Mom, and its also many unwed Moms and Dads engaged couples living in a happy family household they are after and targeting, and they prey upon busy Moms with babys tots young kids and busy single Moms to take them down by this devil says God.

The Prophetic reading says that a CPS Secret Court house woman and DCFS case workers etc brain wash children at many Schools, and they tell them that moms who have out of wedlock sex should loose full custody, and moms who have sex in the day with the dad and divorced moms who are with their boyfriend when their kids are at School are very bad persons, and many in this gang stalker cult text children in every grade, and write texts such as ” the moms named on the list are horny pussy pot key moms, they got a sex problem and we want to get custody taken away because of the way they look in the spy cam shot in bed, see, yuckity yuck, pass it on kids, and tell everyone these are very bad moms with a sex problem” and they send children peeping tom exploation to their cell phones at School, and case workers tell kids if a mom has intercourse with a new man in the family home that means shes a very bad person who should loose full custody of their family, and they say this about legally divorced mothers who have sex with their boyfriend when their children are at School so their kids would not even know they had sex, no one would know or should know, its all by their spy cam on the ceiling over beds that the In Home Investigator Secret Service Man has installed, who is a relative of the CPS Secret Court Case Worker and DCFS, and he targets attractive familys for human sex trafficking, for his Baby Kiddy Porn Molester Movies and for Dead Child Trafficking etc. etc. etc. as explained in all my other Medium For God Contributed articles. They target people who have big jobs and money being sent to them, they do fraud framing papers to banks, and lie they have to do a in home investigation on the person by the Secret Service in home investigator, and tell banks put this persons money in another account, then they lie these people named cannot have their own money because they are named very bad persons that a Secret Service investigation is being done on, and they say they have a CPS Secret Courthouse caee file going, and plan to open a regular case file at DCFS CPS etc to take custody away from the person, and then say they do not want them to have all of their owned money because they want to force help on them, and they tell people taking these very bad persons money who lost full custody of their entire family or who will, who are on our Secret Watch List will help because they want them all stuck and broke to force help on them, they lie they have a sex problem by spy cam footage they do on ceilings over beds, in shower heads, mirrors etc, etc. etc. and they edit peeping tom and exploit the targeted individuals and every age child also, and tell people take their ups fed ex packages off their porches, here is pay to cover, we need to take the family for some sheer udder help ( means Vagina Udders these sick pedo liar girls suck on, Sheers means FGM Female Genital Mutilation Satan Scissors and razor blades this sick cult slices off genitals with as they tell everyone what they are doing right under their nose by code words like Udder and Sheer) and these pedos sit around in many new vechicles with no underwear on, on meth, drinking alcohol, saying they are hunrgy to eat a V J out on a baby a kid a Mom and they started as children and as teenagers and were text by the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker who text them instructions on how to have lesbian sex together, and they were told to lick each other, finger fondle each others private areas, do round n round clito on each other, and they were told this is to practice and prepare to do this to babys private areas, and that they were doing a save life mission job, and that the mission is to spy on couples by the spy cams placed over beds to see who has orgasms in intercourse, to see who has intercourse in the day, on their back, in positions, to see what divorced Moms have sex with a man whos not the Dad in the family home when the kids are gone away, at Class, or outside a playin ? and these pedos child molester baby killers were brainwashed and told if a mom is this way it means she is a very bad person, and if a mom is like this it means they should loose full custody of their entire family, and they were told ” you guys tell the whole School yard about these very bad moms to help us take custody away. Okay dokay” see them cumming in the spy cam shots” and this is Illegal,it is illegal to do peeping tom and to do exploation, and to send it to childrens cell phones. They are running around telling people ” No Sex Education In Schools” as they are brain washed with the wrong information, they were not taught that intercourse is a normal, that moms and dads do this and make babys this way, that looking at someone in peeping tom is wrong, that love making is a private act, that are not taught its wrong for a boy to look up your dress, to have boundaries, to respect privacy of others, as the devils brain washed them with the opposite information, and turned many into full blown child molesters and still are, the kids do not know its wrong to molest a baby, they are told its the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker gals mission with the other higher ups who told them if a mom cums they are a very bad person who should loose full custody, when those moms who exploit parents having sex would have lost custody of their kids, as they send peeping tom to children cell phones, they exploit mom and dads and they are bad for doing that, and that is illegal, for a child to be sent peeping tom on their cell. I saw something similar to this on the News recently that explained a teenager was in trouble for naked photos or videos of a student on their cell phone. I also have seen spy cams on bathroom walls in the Headline News, and spy cams in locker rooms on the News, and that is what this kiddy porn molester ring is doing, and they are the very bad persons who would be on a County Watch List not the targeted individuals they exploit, slander, steal from to make the ones they Prey Upon sitting ducks to show up in a pack in nurse dresses with no underwear on drunk on meth at a familys door and then they tie them off with knitting yarn, twine, bungy cords,shoe laces they say they place around a mere quaint babalas arm to eat them out upside down inside out right in their dam cumming time sexala mom and dad house or apartment, and say they are all trained to do this, they were told to do it to them when they were in 6th grade and in 9th grade in early 09 at the tail end of the School term right at Graduation Time, the whole lot of them bused it to a place and many realtors picked them up from School Offices, Middle Schools, High Schools and some from Elementary School probably also, and mostly they were in 9th grade graduating in spring 09 and many were in 11th grade, and 12th grade, and they began eating each others hot cunt pussys says a pedo girl now I am channeling, she says they got in it in Middle School not at all it was in 2005 and 2006 when they were 10 and 11 years old and they were told by texts ” Hey you guys go take the Son of God save life on earth crime tip job mail would ya? you can recieve a whole lot of money later on for being on this with us, just go take it and run home, and tell everyone you got a huge Son of God Save life on earth mission job as a top secret agent you girls can hack people named under the streets, run in pipes underground, and receive many treats and prizes and free new clothes, for doing this with us, just send us the Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County crime tips jobs sent in the mail and write your name on the letters in bold red sharpie lettering then you can be assigned a job thats sent by you guys taking that mail, and do not tell your parents we sent you spy cam shots of couples moms and dads doin it to your cells, but the mission is for you guys to eat them out to punish moms for being like that in the sack, and run from School after last period class and take the mail at the Post Offices also and send it to us as we are pretending thats our Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission job position, and we are saying thats our important job by getting mail and pretending and doing our mission which is to view moms in bed to see if they cum, then you girls will eat them out to make them have many orgasms in a row and to that to all their babys kids of every age to punish moms for being that way and we are saying thats our big huge important crime tip job we are doing by spy cam equipment, hacking devices, bugging to hear the sounds of sex in family houses and in apartments to decide by thumbs up, now a clap symbol text if they are wrong in bed, and if they look sexy or and cum we write capitol YES Clap Clap text Symbol YES Set the Bad Mom Up and take their money from banks by papers the mortgage broker gal makes up who bank thinks shes helping gravely disabled troubled familys by transferring money for them, and does it with her banks banker pass code and her bank has no clue whatsoever she puts the money in accounts and hides it for us to devy it up and deposits money from bundles of mail taken from Post Offices she picks up by a bin with her name on it, and the peoples money is taken by telling banks we are doing a secret service investigation on a very bad person who spent too much money when really they had normal spending and spent their own money, and really they are very good persons who did nothing wrong as its all a game to get them and all their kids taken away to a hotel motel to sex torture them the person says now, YES as its for depopulation, and really they put 4 spy cams in the minute a targeted indivdual moves, on the front door hang, in the bedrooms over door frames, then do fake framing papers, and lie they need to do a in home secret service investigation, then they do peeping tom exploation, edit it, loop it, and photo shop in props and lie their peeping tom is porn, and lie a mom making love in love has a sex problem when she does not, and they pull many pranks on familys, and steal many cats, steal mail money ups fed exes off porches, and from ups fed ex trucks by security cameras, and lie they are doing a Son of God Save Life On Earth MIssion From Los Angeles County by Security cameras, spy cam equipment, bugging, and hacking devices.

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