Stereotyping Mom’s

The banks say they run people out of their house by how they are behaving, such as decorating, updating their house, working by texts emails faces and not calling out, trying on clothes, dancing etc they judge people who are just being themselves and lie they are having wrong when they are not breaking the law or doing anything illegal, just living life, being themselves , doing things the way they always have done in their life, such as dancing to a song they like, putting outfits together and doing things normal, and they lie they are behaving wrong? When there is nothing wrong with the way they are acting as themselves doing what they want.

The banks say they are told the Mom’s names were not behaving right and funneled money into their accounts without much needed permission, they are described as if they are children like words Behaving


That’s sickening enough, to describe grown up mature nice good adult good women this way and great wonderful mothers living their life happily with their family

They lie a mom transferring her own money into her account is funneling money kiking money when it’s their money and they are just transferring it to pay household bills for their family and they are honest good people who would never take money from anyone or break the law

The banks say they are told the Mom’s spent too much money on fun, concerts, plays, music lessons are listed and spent their own money on what they wanted to spend it on

The banks are told receipts are itemized from a year when they spent alot on decorating moving buying or renting on clothes due to a diet and they are told thars frivolous spending on too many expenses and that what they bought was not needed or necessary and they should have made do and gotten by and saved the money when they decided what house to buy what furniture clothes they wanted to buy which is not illegal or a crime and they use past receipts from a year or month when the Mom bought what she needed and wanted and was done spending she bought a house furniture to have for years built up a closet if clothes to wear for years and all was needed clothes in the right size after a diet furniture for the family to set on and they frame Mom’s with what they spend their own money on

If they look good in new clothes going out they stereotype the Mom’s and lie a hot sexy mom going out carousing when they don’t have casual sex or flings hate pornography are not vulgar don’t flirt in line or text men with symbols like many women do, they are not this way and many do not drink and most do no drugs and they are doing nothing wrong just wearing a nice outfit out somewhere totally stone cold sober and they describe them wrong Stereotype Mom’s who are nothing they say then set them up with lies then take DCFS CPS papers to banks and lie the good great wonderful Mom’s they slandered stereotyped and set up are very bad persons and say at banks see the DCFS CPS papers this mom can’t have her own money ?



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