They’re Lying They Have Important Son Of God Jobs

The readings say the men who run sex slavery took a ups psychic crime tip job addressed to me to someone else and on Feb 27th 2005 the day I had a 20 year sober AA party 5 had a phone conversation meeting and said since the Son of God crime tip game board job was sent many more will be and they said they wanted to assign them the ones they spoke to on the phone, the crime tip jobs to do by their groups on spy cams bugging equipment security cameras to do the work instead and they said we’ll run them out of town out of the two story house, they planned, and said we can all write letters and say she’s not the type to do this work, and then we’ll send you the mail and assign the big Son of God crime tip jobs to you and do a not needed in home investigation to dig something up like we always to do Mom’s we pick to do this to and then set her up and lie she’s not suited for the big crime tip jobs and say they are assigned to you and lie she’s a stupid idiot and they  did thumbs ups by text 👍 with others who agreed 👍 to the thievery and said that thought the house i bought went with the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God psychic crime tip jobs, they thought it was bought with money sent for Nancy Fox when the game board jobs were sent and did not know Nancy Fox bought it with her money from her two story house and real estate commission income. They told people that house was bought with Son of God family trust fund account money that she transfered into her checking account,it was my money from a joint account opened with my Mom because she went on the house for a lower payment and she planned to live there.  The readings say they always take Nancy Gail Fox Son of God family money that’s mine and my children’s and deposited it in my mom’s accounts and transfered it out without her knowing and did it when I was a child under 18 and kept doing it and say they run the Nancy Fox funds, secretly and lie she’s a real retard and say she’s a dumb stupid idiot and say we handle that, the finances for our save life work and say papers say people can borrow twenty percent and really it says 20 percent goes to Nancy Fox’s children each time it’s sent and not past the fifth generation each time it’s sent and they take the 20 percent for over 50 years by old papers that say some can borrow twenty percent since Nancy Fox is a minor. They can borrow it to use it for good purpose until she’s 18 and repay it later or get her approval when she’s an adult and she should have her money and game board jobs when she’s mature enough to do the work and they stole them when I did Ouija Board channeling at age 10 in 1970 and before then probably and kept lying shes not mature enough or ready to do the work, and take the 20 percent and send it to people who lie it’s their Son of God money some were told they’d be paid to protect the psychic Nancy Fox and robbed it in 05 and said they’d cover her by spy cam equivalent hacking security cameras and say their paid for that from her money and that’s the wicked liar game they play and say they thought the twenty percent was for them as some were told this and they did not know it’s twenty percent to Nancy Fox’s family which means children not past the fifth generation and they say they thought they’d run her out of the two story house by telling banks they thought she spent too much on new carpet paint tile and a party with Maria’s Kitchen and music and they made reports that lied she spent too much money too fast and lied it was stupid when I had that work done to sell the house to buy another house all very planned out and they said they saw tons of angel board Ouija Board game board jobs on the porch of the house I bought in spy cams and said they are taking the big Son of God family jobs away that’s sent for her and her kids and said her mom will never move in by our master manipulation by coerisn they do to many they hate who dress up. Act sexy and proud that they say are bums to them as they hate Mom’s who are not ironing baking mopping scrubbing like old fashioned Mom’s from the 1950s and some from the 1940s and some from the 1960s 1970s doing this are hypocrites who had Mom’s who were not this way and they say they target chose people they hate who are over nice and who talk about others that they hear in bugging and it’s the nice good people complaining about people they don’t like or trust people. People who pray and write lists about who they are mad it to get it out they hate when they are people in touch with their feelings and many doing this are not, they are drunk intoxicated and many do drugs are shot up and stuff feelings their numb and hate people who feel feelings the readings say and they say they make things up to get big jobs and money when it’s sent and lie they are doing work for good purpose and say when they saw the game board ups fed exes piled up on the porch in spy cams they cased the house out with they said how did she get a house that goes with the Son of God job  ? some say they thought the big deposit that went in the bank that was equity swing loan money from my two story was Son of God family trust fund account money as they thought it went in Denise S Fox’s bank from a money truck delivery and thought that scum bag got her Nancy Gail Fox Son of God family money and did not know it was her home equity swing loan money from her two story and her real estate commisuon income in that account and lied she’s funneling family trust fund account money into her account Nancy Fox checking and lied she’s liking money and say they thought was her Son of God family funds that they always take twenty percent of since the 1970s and always get new automobiles at car lots for years and say it’s their Son of God family trust fund account money and say they heard that was her own money she bought a house with and said no way.  Then lied that was her mom’s money she bought the house with when it was not, and thought the house came with a Son of God job she must have got without them seeing it in spy cams and read mail of hers as they always steal it open it read it and it described the house as the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God family compound of hers and her two daughters and the future home of her mother and they said we are running them out and her mom will never move in as we are saying that’s our big Son of God crime tip job as we agreed with the Levin or Levine or LaVina Brothers on the phone end of Feb 05 who always send us the 20 percent that’s her chukdrens as it says 20 percent of Nancy Gail Foxs owned money sent on bank trucks is divided among her family. Means children grandchildren and it means in 1991 20 percent was to go to my daughter and in 1995 it’s to have been split between my two daughters then split with their children and so on. Divided among the Son of God family and they say since Nancy Fox was a child many are sent the 20 percent as it said when she’s a child minor under 18 some might be paid from her money from the 20 oercent to protect her the psychic owner of the money and they are told it’s for covering and in 05 days well run them out and get that house as we are doing the important cribe tip job by spy cam equipment instead and get the mail sent to them fed exes emails faxes by spy cam equipment put white out on it type their names on it and lie the jobs and money are theirs and lie the instructions sent to buy many mansions to lease staffs new cars and to buy them upscale clothes are for them to follow and buy clothes at Nordstirns Studio shopping for years they lease and buy hundreds of new cars a week for almost two decades fed ex with stolen money lie carte blanche is for them and reserve hotels under a fake Son of God corporation and steal Medium For God money gifts for 15 years PayPal for over 11 years by hacking and lie it’s their Son of God job money and follow Medium For God instructions sent that say for Nancy Fox to rent offices to buy apartment buildings to stop crimes etc and steal Medium For God car presents and Tiffany presents Floral delivery’s Sees Candy etc and lie it goes with their Son of God job and say they planned to do them in run them out and said Good bye AA goody two shoes life and said they were so mad they wanted to frame Nancy Fox to look like a bum a home maker at the two story and planned it out for years to run them out of that house when their ortabt Son of God family jobs were sent as money is always send at the same time and they always take it for years from Ranchito when she was a minor from the water and power hole by the curb where it was left for them to take it and from every neighborhood where Nancy Fox has lived and send the money all over town to people and say here is pay to cover Nancy Fox and I am supposed to pay people with my money to protect myself and my family and they steal the mail change it and write text messages and say here is pay to keep an eye on her and tell them write a bad report to make her look bad and you can get a whole lot of money later on and that’s called gang stalking a targeted individual and they say they got people to vote to conspire and agree to steal the psychic crime tip jobs to do I D theft with them. When money is sent they see it and hear of it by spy cam equipment security cameras etc and call banks and say hey that’s my Son of God money because I got the Son of God jobs assigned to me and they say our mortgsge broker is runnin the family trust fund accounts as I am doing this job by professional spy cam bugging equipment security cameras hacking to see who’s doing what and report it to set them up and they frame the nicest most honest good people on earth many who do not drink or do drugs many who do not lie chest or steal they set people up who’s personalitys they hate and who they can steal a lot from and tell banks they are running the Son of God and Medium For God momey that is mine that they steal from ups fed ex postal mail bank delivery trucks PayPal etc and they are lying to banks and lie she spent too much in early 05 too fast impulsively when I soent 20 grand all planned by me all calculated and planned in 04 to finish updating my house I owned to sell it as I was a realtor getting my house ready to sell and they are still telling ridiculous lies to banks

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