Kids Need Sex Education And They Need To Be Educated That Drugs Are Bad As Readings Say The Cult Leaks in Bottles of Pills all around Schools Park N Recs Neighborhoods where targeted familys are that their after and they take 40 bottles of drugs all around them fed ex ups them everywhere also and say it’s to help get them taken away it’s to get young kids to youths into snorting no doz etc to make nice good family’s look bad and do it by master manipulation. Kids need to learn not to listen to peers, not to look at people being exploited, that it’s wrong to look at people naked by spy cam equipment and people are supposed to be respected and not violated, they are trained to be rude and disrespectful and have no concept of whats right and wrong and normally a person is in trouble for looking up a girls dress at her underwear and should feel ashamed and full of guilt and know its wrong. They are many who have no moral values, no sex education, and need this

The satanic cult manipulate many children into assisting them to get people they are Hunting to kill as it’s a depopulation serial killer sex torture ring killing off many family’s

Children should be educated in sex education  courses to learn that intercourse a man and woman have is normal and orgasms a woman have is normal and there are many types of orgasms explained in scientific research and people needed to get educated on this as kids are getting brain washed and told  an orgasm is wrong  and their lied to and brain washed into thinking a mom who has that happen is a bad person with serpent DNA bad DNA like the whole family is. Monster serpents to hunt and kill off and to capture them by lying and stealing and framing and brain washing in their fierce hatred cult trance obsessed to hunt down and get sexy mom’s who orgasm or not and all their kids of all ages as if they are monsters, kids run screaming oh my God a hairy monster on my cell a bad mom’s private area a spy cam shot and panic to get the family like a Story Book wives tale they believe fabricated nonsense made up stories and think their killing off serpents and are told their such good kids great girls

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